Make an application

We believe that everyone, no matter their background, should have the means to access a career in the legal sector. That is why we offer financial support to eligible candidates to assist their ambitions to further their law career.

Do you need support to enter the legal sector?

We believe that everyone, no matter their background, should have the means to access a career in the legal sector. That is why we offer financial support to eligible candidates to assist their ambitions to further their law career.

Our financial support is offered to those who meet a number of key criterias throughout our application process. We do not offer cash grants, but instead purchase items on your behalf that will hopefully assist you on the path to becoming a solicitor. The criteria to be a successful applicant has been carefully designed to ensure that our support goes to those that need it most. Please read our eligibility requirements before starting an application.

Before you apply:

Please note it is not possible to start and then return to an incomplete application. We advise that you read all the guidance on this page before starting your online form.

We take data security extremely seriously, so we use enhanced protection throughout the application process.

Applications will be reviewed by our trustees at monthly meetings so expect to receive news on your application up to 45 days after submitting. Any delay in receiving your reference may lead to delays or your application being rejected. We do our best to get back to you before this time frame, but please submit an application in plenty of time if your grant request is time sensitive.


To qualify for financial support from the Legal Social Mobility Fund, you must:

  • Be resident in the United Kingdom;
  • Be planning a career as a solicitor in the United Kingdom;
  • Be 18 years + on the day of your application;
  • Be currently on, have a place confirmed at, or completed a part time or full time undergraduate or postgraduate course;
  • Be able to demonstrate a firm commitment to pursuing a career as a solicitor; and
  • Successfully provide an academic or professional reference, as further detailed below in the ‘References’ section.

The following criteria will also be considered:

  • Educational background and attainment
  • Family educational and economic background
  • Parental occupation at the age of 14 years old
  • Previous receipt of scholarship or bursary because of your family income or social mobility status
  • Eligibility for free school meals
  • Time spent in local authority care (current or past)
  • Is / previously has been a refugee or asylum seeker
  • Previous paid employment whilst studying/evidence of financial efforts to support study

Additional information:

  • If you are currently a student, we expect you to use/provide your University/College email address.
  • If you are currently a student, we expect your named reference to be contactable via an University/College email address.
  • If you are planning to become a student, we may request evidence that you have been offered a place on a course.
  • If your application relates to a law firm event or work experience and they are not reimbursing your expenses, we will request evidence of this. The evidence of this must be an email or letter from the law firm and/or an organisation acting for the law firm.

Sometimes we will request additional information from you in order to process your application. If we request this, the sooner you get back to us, the sooner we’ll be able to let you know whether your application is successful or not.

SQE support

We are proud to offer SQE support at the following institutions:

BPP University, University of Law, BARBRI, and The College of Legal Practice

  • We do not provide financial support for undergraduate tuition fees
  • If you are applying for financial support towards an SQE1 or SQE2 course, you are required to have already obtained a minimum 2:1 degree
  • We do not provide financials support to pay for SQE exams fees
  • The maximum amount available is £5,000 and this amount granted to applicants is at the trustee’s discretion.
  • During application stage, you must state to which university/course provider you are applying, and provide any additional information such as course start date, current enrolment status etc. Unfortunately we are unable to provide support for SQE courses at institutions that are not listed above.


You are required to provide one academic or professional reference. Academic references are preferred.

Academic references should be from a tutor or member of staff who is involved in pastoral care. This could be a paid or voluntary position. They cannot be a family member or friend.  A reference will only be accepted from their academic institution email.

A professional reference should be from a Manager or Supervisor from a paid or voluntary position. They cannot be a family member or friend. Where possible a reference should be provided from their professional email. Where this is not possible an explanation should be given.

Full contact details of referees must be provided, including a contact telephone number as we may contact them to clarify details.

Your referee will need to respond to our requests including stating how long they have known you for and confirm that the circumstances on which you are applying are correct.

Your application will not be progressed until we are satisfied with your reference. However, you may receive notification that your application has been unsuccessful prior to use receiving your reference if you do not satisfy other eligibility criteria.

If we do not receive your reference within a reasonable period of time, you will be notified that your application has been withdrawn.


You must provide your referees with the information you plan to put into your application.  These details will include evidencing your commitment to a career in law and why you believe you deserve a grant. 

It is your responsibility to ensure your referee send us the required information. We do not chase references on behalf of applicants.


  • Living expenses e.g. including but not limited to rent, bills, childcare, travel costs to/from university;
  • Costs for things that have already been paid for (e.g. if you have already begun the SQE course and paid your fees);
  • Gap year or overseas projects;
  • Non-personal expenditure, such as a community project;
  • Courses that are not the LPC, GDL or SQE;
  • Medical treatment; and
  • Any type of business start-up regardless of whether it is associated with the legal profession.